Linux, Unix and Technology for the mere mortal
Linux, Unix and Technology for the mere mortal

Attaching LXD/LXC containers to VLAN networks

I’m currently busy with a project in my home lab that requires a machine on my test LAN to be issuing IP addresses. I figured I’d use an LXC container on my Ubuntu Desktop because it’s lightweight and a convenient way to contain DHCP server software without having to install it on my main OS.

The LXC container needs to interact with real machines outside of the Desktop on which it lives, so using the “normal” LXD bridge wouldn’t work. See: getting started with LXD.

I’ll first need to create the VLAN interface and then attach or launch the lxc container making sure it comes up inside of the correct network.

I’ll create a VLAN named VLAN50 ontop of enp0s25 using nmcli

dvnt@icecream:~$ sudo nmcli connection add con-name VLAN50 ifname VLAN50 type vlan dev enp0s25 id 50 autoconnect yes
dvnt@icecream:~$ nmcli con
 NAME                UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE
 VLAN50              2baf554f-dcde-42e5-bb3a-71091108ca25  vlan      VLAN50
 Wired connection 1  550aa29b-1e3d-3ec8-bdf9-f434dcde98f2  ethernet  enp0s25

Next I’ll copy the default lxc profile to a new profile named lxcVLAN50 and modify it so that the container nictype is set to a macvlan as well as set the parent to the relevant VLAN interface

dvnt@icecream:~$ lxc profile copy default lxcVLAN50
dvnt@icecream:~$ lxc profile device set lxcVLAN50 eth0 nictype macvlan
dvnt@icecream:~$ lxc profile device set lxcVLAN50 eth0 parent VLAN50


dvnt@icecream:~$ lxc profile list
 |    NAME     | USED BY |
 | default     | 2       |
 | lxcVLAN50   | 0       |

dvnt@icecream:~$ lxc profile show lxcVLAN50
 config: {}
 description: Default LXD profile
     name: eth0
     nictype: macvlan
     parent: VLAN50
     type: nic
     path: /
     pool: default
     type: disk
 name: lxcVLAN50
 used_by: []

Now all that’s left to do is launch the container using a -p flag to select the profile

dvnt@icecream:~$ lxc launch ubuntu:19.04 disco-fruitsalad -p lxcVLAN50
 Creating disco-fruitsalad
 Starting disco-fruitsalad
 dvnt@icecream:~$ lxc list
 |       NAME       |  STATE  |          IPV4           | IPV6 |    TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS |
| cheddarfritters  | STOPPED |                         |      | PERSISTENT |           |
 | cheesecake       | STOPPED |                         |      | PERSISTENT |           |
 | disco-fruitsalad | RUNNING |                         |      | PERSISTENT |           |

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