I was really surprised to see how easy it is to configure Ansible Tower/AWX to use Microsofts Azure AD as an external Identity Provider. Not only does this simplify user management in Ansible Tower within our organisation but also opens the possibility of providing “Ansible as a Service” to our […]
Greetings mere mortal! In today’s experiment I attempt to provide a practical guide to IT automation for the mere mortal just starting their automation journey. Check out the code used in the video here: https://github.com/dvntstph/awx-opens…
I’ve been obsessed with Openstack for a couple years now because it allows me to build scenarios and learn from them very quickly with very little effort. I’ve always tried to share this with my friends and coworkers so that they too can partake in this accelerated learning experience. Openstack […]
Greetings mere mortal! I decided to build something that would streamline the enrolment of tenants into my Openstack cloud. Now keeping in mind that I’m more of a systems and infrastructure guy and not a developer. It’s up to you to decide whether doing so using only Ansible, some bash […]
I recently did a two part video section on HA AWX Ansible. Check out part 1 here if you haven’t seen it. In this post I’ll be sharing some of the more intricate details of the things I did in the video. To start off I need to clear up […]
Greetings mere mortal! In this video I get overly excited about the possibility of configuring AWX ansible in a somewhat resilient and highly available manner. If you know anything about AWX ansible, you’ll know that high availability is not the projects main focus. If you need that sort of functionality, […]